Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Was Men in Black 3 Good?

 Agh! I tried to watch a late show of 'Men in Black 3' but wound up snoozing throughout most of the film. What I did see I sort of liked. Especially the sense of design within the movie. From the alien creatures to the many locations -all of it looked swell. It's good to know that even though H-wood's story machine is broken down in general, it's design machine (the illustrators, costume departments, special effects companies) is still fully operational. The fanboy-suits that have taken over Hollywood are too idea-focused to truly interfere with the tangible work of visual artists. So they focus their destructive, envious ways at movie scripts and writers. Blocking original ideas, promoting past hits over creating new future ones. This is why we keep seeing all this junk from the past being remade. Fanboy-suits are in control, they want to make movies based on the ideas that gave them hard-ons in the past. To hell with getting a future boner.

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